Event: Deutscher Medienpreis 2013 for Queen Máxima

Her Majesty Queen Máxima has received the Deutsche Medienpreis 2013 for her commitment as the UNs’ Special Advocate in the field of “Inclusive Finance for Development”.
She has played an important worldwide role in giving everyone access to financial services. More than 2.5 billion people have neither banking nor savings accounts, which makes it difficult for them to negotiate insurances for their individual life situations or to take out loans.
Media Control has honoured outstanding personalities with Deutscher Medienpreis since 1992.
The Deutsche Medienpreis is one of the most outstanding events in Germany. (Picture: Deutscher Medienpreis, Andreas Fritzenkötter/Sandra Pabst).
Sandra Pabst had the honour to join Mr. Andreas Fritzenkötter, Sapinda, at the event.